A lighthearted attempt at a poem about the different parts of the nervous system

A lighthearted attempt at a poem about the different parts of the nervous system

March 28, 20230 min read

In your body, there's a lot of commotion  

All thanks to your nervous system in motion 

There's ventral vagal, it helps you rest 

And parasympathetic, it does its best 

The dorsal's the one that helps you freeze  

When danger's around, it's eager to please  

But when you're in action, there's sympathetic  

It makes you alert, energetic, and frenetic 

So next time you feel a shift in your mood 

Remember it's all thanks to your nervous system's brood  

And whether it's rest or fight or flight 

Your body's just doing what's right in sight. 

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Sangheetha Parthasarathy

CEO, Sangparth |Neuroscience| MIT-Harvard Med School Innovation Bootcamp | Ex-Accenture | Top 100 Global HC leaders | Somatic Experiencing Practitioner

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